
Terms and Conditions of the sessions

The coaching sessions are face-to-face appointments taking place in the Move On’s office. Moreover, it is possible to perform sessions via Skype for individuals who are abroad or who are unable to move.

We also commute to the workplace of our clients. 

The first session lasts for 1h30 and is dedicated to the clarification of the process and responsibilities of both, the Coach and the Client, to the discovery of the Client’s motivation to undertake this approach and to the definition of the next steps in the process.

Subsequently, each session lasts 60 minutes.
The content of the sessions is strictly confidential. 

Life coaching

The number of sessions and the frequency of the appointments are to be determined depending on the objective and Client’s current situation. The minimum number of sessions required is 5.

Career coaching and Business coaching for Individuals

The coaching covers an average of 5 to 7 sessions. The Coach and the Client determine together the frequency of the sessions, depending on the needs and the availability of the Client.

Business Coaching for Companies

The type of the approach, its frequency and its duration are to be determined by the Coach and the Company. The content of this collaboration is strictly confidential.